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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Do you have a second for (insert cause here)

No, I don't have a second for the enviroment, or the democratic party, or animal rights, or gay rights. Or to see a comedy show for that matter.

And I should not feel bad for not stopping. These groups all ALL OVER. ALL SUMMER. I don't care that you're 19 and that this is your summer job or how much you care about the cause, I'm not giving you $30/month. Really, I'm not going to give you 30 cents a month because I kind of resent the way you make me feel when I have alotted a specific amount of time to get from point A to point B and you want me to chat with you for 10 of those minutes.

My first summer of exposure to this, I did the obligitory "yes, I do care about the enviroment, I will let you talk me into giving you money". I've even given money (not the per month kind, just a one time donation). But after 8 summers of it, I will go to extreme measures to avoid them. I'll talk on my cellphone to NO ONE. I will cross the street. I will go into a coughing fit just to avoid them.

When I was in college I signed up to work for Greenpeace--the most abrasive of the soliciters. I went to the training, got a uniform, was ready to go and the day before I got a little wake up call. You HATE these people. So people will HATE you. I coudn't do it. I also tried to get signatures for a democratic candidate for something or another in Times Square. That's probably all I have to say about that. The mental picture should do it justice. To those who can do it, or actually like to do it--good for you.