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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tucker Carlson: Least Anti-Gay Right Winger or Skinhead?

Of a guy that hit on him in a men's room in high school: "I went back with someone I knew and grabbed him." "What did you do?" "Hit him against the stall with his head, actually." [Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha] "Then the cops came and arrested him." Video from Gawker here. Longer video of all the speakers making it very clear, for the record, "They are also not gay" here. Ha ha ha ha ha. Wheee.


nuraido said...

Wow...the guy should have filed assault charges.

I love how Craig is being "positively Clintonian" and "Clinton did the exact same thing and the vast majority of video clips are of Clinton, not Craig. Very classy.

Is it true that men are constantly propositioned in men's rooms? Is this something else I don't understand about the male sub culture?

Larry Craig just resigned his committee posts.

DMA said...

Wow is right. To paraphrase jon stewart, tucker carlson is a dick. Umm, I've never been propositioned in a men's room and I've never heard of anybody being propositioned in a men's room. In fact, watching the clip, when Tucker's good ole buds keep prodding him for more details on his gay bashing, I would say there is at least a 50% chance that carlson is just making this stuff up to impress his friends. (along the lines of: "Whadya do with that supermodel at the bar?" "I banged her, man! Yeah!"). On the other hand, the likelihood is much higher that tucker carlson really is a dick rather than just pretending to be one.

And the clintonian thing is just bizarre. These people are insane and obsessive. Why is it that "deny, deny, deny" is a clintonian thing? Couldn't it be a Bush-Gonzalez-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Rove-Ashcroft insert any administration official here-thing?

Joey said...

I've been propositioned in a men's room before. Also when hitchhiking. Also when walking around San Francisco at night. Also definitely got solicited by a male prostitute in LA. So maybe this is just me. Regardless, I always got by with a simple, "What? Oh. Ummm. No thanks. I'm good?"

Is MSNBC normally like this? I watched it the first time and just assumed this was Fox.

nuraido said...

Keith Olbermann on MSNBC is my future husband and crazy liberal. I think the network kind of runs the gamut of crazy.

And it does not surprise me that you've been propositioned across America, but you're WAY hotter than Tucker Carlson. Just sayin.

Joey said...

Thanks, Kel. I just wish I could pull off the bowtie.