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Friday, September 14, 2007

Putin Pretends to Fish, Takes Shirt Off to Wow Voters

How has no one posted about this? The sports writer at the Independent blogged about how he's clearly not fishing. The CBC reports (and provides an extra picture) that Russian media is worried this is an attempt to woo voters instead of stepping down at the end of his term. Others say it makes him more of a lame duck. All I want to know is why no one else here saw fit to post a half-naked picture of Putin. You politicos fell down on me.


nuraido said...

You're completely right. I failed y'all. I actually even sent it to a bunch of my co-workers about a month ago too, and completely neglected to post it.

Sorry, Joey. Sorry, HON. I let you down.

Joey said...

Apology grudgingly accepted. You know this is the sort of thing I love. Now if only he was dancing to Spoon.

nuraido said...

I think, with the help of flash, we could make that happen =)

When people see HON, do they read House Of Nerds, or "hon," like honey?

Also, I kind of never want anyone to post again, because I love pulling up the blog and seeing Putin's naked chest. It makes me giggle.

DMA said...

sorry, I don't know where that came from.

Smed said...

It came from your heart.