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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Let's Organize a Bake Sale for Tony Snow!!

Poor Tony Snow, Bush's White House spokesman. He has to resign from the post because he's not making enough money. And how much is he making, you ask? After the jump, my friends. After the jump...

$168,000 a year.

That's right. This just wasn't enough for poor Tony. In a country where the median household income is $46,326 , Tony and his family couldn't survive off an income of over 3 1/2 times over this median.

So fare thee well, Tony Snow. The decision was probably for the best: what else is a rat going to do besides throw himself off a sinking ship? I hope you can drum up some cash. I'm sure Fox News will be glad to take you back.

Friends, I leave you with a few gems from Tony Snow himself:

"We think it's important that, in doing that, they try to limit as much as possible the so-called collateral damage, not only on civilians but also on human lives." –-White House Press Secretary Tony Snow, on Israel's conflict with Lebanon

"I need to get a more precise definition." --White House Press Secretary Tony Snow, asked to define civil rights after he said banning gay marriage was a civil rights issue.

"We didn't create the war in Iraq. We didn't create the war on terror."