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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Living la vida loca

Hi Everyone. After a harrowing week, I have finally arrived safe and sound in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The flight over was thankfully uneventful. I sat next to a delightful Argentine dermatologist, and she thought I was adorable because I got really excited whenever I remembered long-neglected Spanish vocab words such as 'brother-in-law' (cunado - well, with an enya, which I don't know how to blog).

So far, more people who I talk to here treat me like I'm 'special' (helmet special, that is), and talk to me really slowly and laugh at me a lot. I kind of like this; takes off the pressure of saying things correctly in Spanish because everyone just assumes I am going to say something stupid. This is different than last summer in Central America, where people either had no patience for my gringa-ness or asked me to be their girlfriend within 10 seconds of talking to me. Ew.

My arrival was made easier by the fact that one of my roommates arrived to the city a week before me and picked out an apartment for us. It is huge - way larger than what I am used to. I am sleeping in a twin bed, which I do not mind at all, for two reasons: 1) I do not move in my sleep. You may think I'm exaggerating, but I'm not. I do turn from one side to the other periodically, but I only occupy a small area of the bed. When I am in anything bigger than a twin, I usually keep my laptop and various books on the bed next to me because I know there is no chance of them falling down. 2) I have slept in a twin bed for the majority of my life. I slept in the same twin bed from the age of 2-18, and I slept in a twin bed for 2 years during college and one year during law school (oh the shame). That's a grand total of 19/24 years. Only 3 years of sleeping in a bed other than a twin or a crib. Come to think of it, I am sure that my extended time spent in a twin bed has probably influenced my lack of movement/sprawling when sleeping.

But I digress. I wouldn't say everything is wonderful here yet, but I am sure it will be soon. I need to get used to the city and the culture and the language again. I need to figure out how to get around and where I can find peanut butter that doesn't taste like caramel. (Ew.) Things like that. And I need to get some sleep. Night, y'all.