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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Sharing is caring!

And learning new words is fun! It's kinda more the same as before, so if that made you feel jejune, your eyes cross, I won't mind if you don't read this one. I promise. There is a party invitation hidden in it though -- and who doesn't want to party with someone who can use language like I can?

I'm going to prognosticate that no one's going to read this. However, As philologists will attest to, a fecundity of knowledge exists within Don Quixote, such as the word quixotic. Because I have never read the book, perhaps it was unrealistic for me to know this, I obsequiously admit. Although expurgated versions are available, it's never really done it for me. It's not that I'm intransigent about reading it -- stranger things have happened. If I'd been an English major, reading the book would have been ineluctable.

Modality is a strange word - the very thought of it makes me blanch. Why, you ask? because it can mean one of the primary sensations (hearing, touch, etc) or the tendency to belong to a particular group or category, or an attribute or circumstance that denotes mood or manner. So: modality belongs to the modality of words that have no concrete meaning. Modality is also abstract, and thus not a modality. My displeasure with the word modality is my modality.

Restive is a tricky word, because it sounds like someone should be resting, but instead they're restless. That's all.

This post has a syncopated rhythm to it, you might think. You'd be right. But did you know that contracting words is syncopation? Probably, cause I'm not real smart. In case your enmity grows, and your comments become vituperative, and perhaps anathematize me and my blog posts, however, I don't care what you think. FYI. You'll not make me saturnine. It will surprise no one that the thought of being done with this damn test makes me ebullient. Thinking about the days before the GRE, I become positively I won't lie to you - I'm plannin to get a bit obstreperous at the after party. My tastes are epicurean, believe you me.