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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

oh yeah/oh hell yeah

Pete and I exited the subway at the Penn Station stop. As we did so, I was moved to sing: "You are so beautiful, to me."

"Are you singing about me?" Pete asked.

No, Pete. I am singing about a bus.

Not just any bus. The beautiful bus in the world, or as I describe it (rant) to fellow riders (strangers), "It's a gift from heaven!"

A gift from heaven it is. It is a brand new deluxe bus, with a sparkling clean bathroom. In the rear of the bus, there are 8 seats set up around tables, where you can conveniently set up your laptop. "Why would you want to set up your laptop on the bus?" you query.


That's right, suckers. Internet on the bus. Are you beginning to weep from joy? I kind of am. What's more, they give you a bottle of water for the ride. AND it costs no more ($40 round trip) than a Chinatown or Greyhound bus.

And, the cherry on the sundae (for me, anyway) is that this very special bus drops me off in Dupont Circle, one block from my apartment.

It's really too much for me. And because I am so gracious, I will give you all the chance to start your own special relationship with this bus line. Cherish it; it may not be here forever.

1 Comment

Anonymous said...

I found your post! I'm not sure they had the tables in the back on the DC2NY I took. However they did play a movie for the second half of the trip which would have been really cool except that it was "Meet Joe Black." I won't be taking any other bus, especially not the scary and dirty China bus I took the first time.