We've had this discussion a few times before, but I wanted to update you on the blog loading speed issue. If you don't care, don't read after the jump.
The blog simply won't load quickly with all of the fancy stuff on it. I've tried a few different things, but the thirty second explanation is that all of the fun things on the blog (the peek-a-boo posts, tabs at the top, comments, delicious, etc.) are hosted on other servers. Every time you try to load the blog, it has to ask all of those computers what to do, which takes a long time. Neither mathgimp nor I can host the applications for lots of reasons. If someone would like to donate server space AND become blog master or mistress, I'll gladly hand over the reins.
Until then, I'm going to systemically strip away features until I decide it loads quickly enough. Today, I got rid of delicious, since it's been inactive lately, and the visitor counter, because I've heard a lot of trackers cause insane slow downs. I have a few other things I'm going to try as time permits.
Anyway, just thought some of you might want to know. Cheers!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Stripping the blog (sadly, SFW)
Posted by
3:33 PM|
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