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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Misc updates

I am very sick, and just drank a lot of Nyquil.
Smed's posts are better than mine.

Everyone should get twitter and make Joey happy. Although we got delicious and he never did.
Real things after the jump.

Friendly reminder: If you're not going to post something long, delete all of the span tags before you post, so the read more doesn't appear and lie to people. We're all really smart people, with multiple degrees between us. We can make this happen.

If you're observant, you may have looked at the blog and thought "Oh, dear God, where did the links go?!!!" (Look at the left sidebar if you don't know what I am talking about.) I made the link lists expandable because I think it's prettier. The downside is that you guys can no longer add links by going to the customize layout screen. If you want a link permanently added to the sidebar, you can email it to me, or post it, and your wish will be granted.

These are the new updates I'm working on: 1. A group twitter badge on the right sidebar, 2. A way to see if anyone links to our blog/posts; 3. Set up polling (I'm really excited about polls!); 4. Adding labels to posts without them and then creating a table of contents. Any other suggestions?

Last but not least: this is Shween's birthday weekend! To celebrate, the HON crowd is rollin' to NYC. Smeds already there, Shween leaves tomorrow, and mathgimp and I will battle the forces of my health and his advisor to arrive at some point in time for the festivities! Hooray!


Joey said...

Actually I do have a delicious account, but I use it for work-related stuff. I go through spurts where pretty much anything I happen across that I don't have time to read or that I think I might need later from a different computer gets tagged. So there's often a collection of similarly themed metaverse-related bookmarks up there. I just didn't want to flood the sidebar with boring.

Smed said...

But your posts are prettier than mine!