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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Blog stuff, socialness and dinosaurs

First, I'd like to point out that it's August 22nd, and it's really cold in DC. Like, I should have brought a jacket kind of cold. It's really strange.

Second of all, I'd like to welcome Fodder (our third roommate who's lived with me for six months and can't spell my name) as our newest author to the blog! Yay, John!! After the jump, various other updates.

We're also at 1967 unique views for the blog, which puts us over 2000 by the end of the week. Considering the fact that it took us just shy of two months to reach 1000, and just over 1 month to reach 2000, that's pretty damn good. Keep up the good writing, and keep bothering your friends incessantly to read it!

Now fun stuff: there are two weekends I want to put on everyone's radar. The first is Labor Day weekend. Tommy gets into DC this Saturday (yay!!!), and then all of the Austin folk who have been displaced to the mid west or the east coast are congregating at the House of Nerds (my house) on Labor Day weekend. It's being called the paradoxical post-pan-ultimate by Shween, or something insanely complicated like that. Sadly, Mathgimp will be attending a wedding in Houston from Thursday-Sunday, but everyone else will be there! Come if you can.

Second of all, we're having the most fun 5 days ever from Sept 19-Sept 23. Sept 19, Regina Spektor is playing at Rams Head Live in Baltimore. Sept 25, we're headed to PA to go on the tour of the Yuengling Brewery, and then go to Ringing Rocks Park in PA, where you hit rocks with hammers and they ring like bells. I'm not sure where we're sleeping that night, but we hope to find someone who wants to hang out with all of us that evening and will let us sleep on their floor =) On Sunday, we're going to ride roller coasters (!!!!!!) at Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey. I am so excited about the entire weekend.

I saved the best for last though. Where do the dinosaurs come in, you ask? Well, Walking with Dinosaurs is playing in DC from Sept 19-22. My excitement about roller coasters is nothing compared with my excitement over seeing life-sized dinosaurs act. Which means that on Friday, Sept 20, I am going to see the show. It might sound like a crazy, non-stop, insanely expensive weekend, but I prefer to think about it as the most fun weekend ever, ever, ever.

If you would like to participate in any or all of these, you should. If you do not participate in any of these, you better have a damn good reason why.


KateInCars said...


p.s. I was supposed to see the walking with dinosaurs last weekend, but didn't make it up to Philly :) So I totally want to go in DC!

nuraido said...

Tell your promo boss now that you want Friday off!!! I'll buy your Dinosaur ticket, and we'll be even for the Regina ticket. And get to hang out twice in one weekend. Best of all worlds.

Oh, and make that boyfriend of yours come too.

KateInCars said...

hahaha Kris and I are about to quit promos.. the money is awesome, but I can't even tell you how many times he has made us cancel on friends bc of assigning us things at the last minute!!!

I'm going to call him today after work. I'll call you after I talk to him. my alter ego (who is also a ninja) will handle this situation.


nuraido said...

Yippee! Selfishly, I'm very excited about you guys quitting.

nuraido said...

And, of course, about Ninja Katie. but that goes without saying

KateInCars said...

hahahh I can be security for the House of Nerds :)

KateInCars said...

p.s. I also think we should try to throw kris a "hey relax, school sucks!" Party. He is super stressed now that school has started, and I feel for him!!

nuraido said...

Sounds good to me. Just tell me when and where.

He's been through all this before -- he already knows that school sucks!

KateInCars said...

sooooooo true, but it still stresses the boy out!

I'm going to hand out those stress reliever squeezy ball thingers as party favors :)