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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

For My Ladies, and My Guys (we don't discriminate)

Ladies, gentlemen, what's the deal? It seems as though something might be in the water, or the moon is changing, or global warming is finally effecting our psyche. Why you ask? Because so many of my beautiful, intelligent, and kick-ass friends are giving up on love. In the past few weeks, the phrases "boys are stupid" and "girls are lame" have appeared numerous times in emails and text messages sent to me and in many conversations I have had with my anonymous pals.

Yes, I recognize that I too am a jaded 20 something, and yes I am guilty of thinking that boys are stupid on a regular basis, but kids, I'm ready for a change. No longer am I gonna bitch about how 2 different men I dated stole from me (if you read this, I think you suck, both of you SOB's), nor am I gonna continue to make fun of the guy who honestly thought he had a chance of sleeping with me by telling me that I have no ass and that my nose reminds him of the "who's" from "The Grinch" (ok, you are an idiot and no woman wants to sleep with you).
My darlings, you are looking at a woman in the process of change, and I'm bringing you with me! So here's what we're gonna do. I want you to each think of something positive a man or woman has recently done that changed your mind about the opposite sex or gave you a glimmer of hope that not all people out there are heartless bastards. If someone made you smile, or laugh, or orgasm, I want to hear about it!
Ok, I'll start. My friend Eggie gave me a birthday present for my dog Jasper, who turned 6 years old last week. This was one of the most thoughtful gesture ever done for me. Eggie gives me hope that genuine men exist in the world. Nice guys are gonna finish first!!!!!
Alright my friends, don't be shy, show me what you got. Let's try to stop hating eachother for at least a day.


nuraido said...

Mathgimp bought me a burrito last night. It was delicious. That was very thoughtful and made me smile.

Did I do my homework correctly? =)

PS -- But....boys are stupid. Just sayin'.

Dorki said...

Yes my love, you did your homework correctly. However, your "PS" is only encouraging our bad behavior. Don't be an enabler Nuraido.

nuraido said...

OK. How is this: Due to his burrito-buying thoughtfulness, Mathgimp is removed from the "boys are stupid list" until further notice.


DMA said...

OK, I'll try, Rhonda:
This girl said we should go out on a date, but then she bailed b/c she had to shoot three episodes of "All My Children," in one day and then never called me back. I guess that's nice and considerate because she saved me the trouble of wasting time and money just to find out she's a douche.