Last Sunday, I accidentally drank an entire 1.5-liter bottle of pino grigio in about 3 hours. No one stopped me, I guess because of the entertainment factor, and we spent most of the night talking of sex with politicians and pundits.
First, I'm going to call out Mathgimp (mostly to feel better about myself): he's got a little thing for Ann Coulter. That thought revolts me to the point that I may never have sex again.
Now, a confession of my own: I apparently (I swear to you, it was only the wine talking), spent the entire night telling everyone how attractive Chief Justice John Roberts is. In the interest of full disclosure, I am told (albeit, by the man who fantasizes about the venemous, evil blonde wench) that I even called John Roberts a "slammin' hottie," which in the world of politics is a label I reserve solely for John Edwards. Now, to my credit, John Roberts wasn't sore on the eyes when he was at Harvard: but the thought of my drunk self finding him attractive kinda makes me twitch a little bit (too soon for the seizure jokes, people.)
This morning, I found solace in an unusual place: Senator Patrick Leahy, chairman of the Judiciary Committee. It seems I am not the only one who, when clearly under the influence of mind altering substances, says absolutely idiotic things about the Chief Justice. In an interview with the Politico's Roger Simon, Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Patrick Leahy says he voted to confirm Chief Justice John Roberts only because he knew he was going to be confirmed anyway and thought a pure party-line confirmation vote would leave Roberts thinking he was "an appointment of the Republican Party."
Leahy admits that it has pretty much worked out that way anyway: Under Roberts, he says, the Supreme Court has become "an arm of the Republican Party."
Um, this is why people hate Democrats. Because our cunning strategy reads like this: We're not going to try to win, so that when those mean ol' Republicans gain power through (uncontested) nefarious means, they'll remember that we were nice, and be nice to us.
Senator Leahy, I've always kind of liked you, but you're seriously a spineless moron. Even though you're messing up the Gonzo bullshit, none of that will ever affect the life of average Americans. Supreme Court decisions clearly have major implications for the lives of American citizens. Voting against Roberts because you thought his confirmation was inevitable would have been a principled stand for the American people who choose to vote for your dumbass every six years. Instead, you proved once again that Democrats would rather be bullied and whine about it later than to take their beatings and cast votes of conscience. Good job.
At least my transgressions against the party are limited to my drunken fantasy life. But maybe that's what serving on the Judiciary Committee is: one long orgy with Republicans.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Sen. Leahy left heart broken by Chief Justice
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