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Friday, August 3, 2007

So, that's surprising...

I gotta say, I didn't expect this. After the jump, people I now have crushes on.

This was written by Danica McKellar, who was in 80 episodes of The Wonder Years, and a few of The West Wing. Who knew TV stars knew anything about the Ising model (of which the Potts model is a generalization).

Also, apparently Mayim Bialik, the star of Blossom, has a PhD in neuroscience from UCLA.

In all reality, I still don't have a crush on Blossom, PhD or no. But Danica McKellar should call me.

This was posted before I read nuraido's most recent post. While I don't find Ann Coultier wildy attractive, I greatly enjoy watching nuraido try to keep from vomiting at the thought of her. Thus, my apparent crazy person fetish is really for entertainment purposes only. Of course, if Danica McKellar is a crazy right wing pundit (unlikely because math people are awesome), so be it. She should still call me.